How long does it take for PCR results to be ready? - Curative Support

How long does it take for PCR results to be ready? - Curative Support

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Even at such hospitals, the tests are often prioritized for patients who have been admitted and staff who might have been exposed to COVID, said Chahine. In this test, a swab is taken from the throat or nose of the person who is getting tested. However, if a technician comes to your home for sample collection, the maximum price that can be taken for the same is Rs 1, According to the website of the private clinic CityMD , you can expect a 3- to 5-day wait to receive your results.      

Why pcr takes time

  Antigen test: This detects bits of proteins on the surface of the virus called antigens. Antigen tests typically take only 15 to 30 minutes. What is the requirement for the time of “Negative PCR COVID test” and issuance What information needs to be on the test result? The longest analysis is for the PCR test, which varies from lab to lab but often requires about to 2 hours, he says.    


Why pcr takes time. Cookie Consent and Choices


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